Jimmie Andrews and Russ Warren Team Up with New Practice
Left to right: Scott Brown, Maureen Murphy, Dr. Jay Bronner, Ryan Pahler and Michael Englehart / Source: American Orthopedic Partners
(Originally published here)
Written By: Elizabeth Hoffheinz, MPH, Med | Tue, July 20, 2021
A new national orthopedic practice is being built on a remarkable foundation of two of the most accomplished and well-known surgeons, teachers and mentors in musculoskeletal surgery—James Andrews, M.D. and Russell Warren, M.D.
This dream-team practice is the American Orthopedic Partners (AOP) and will be based in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Funding for the new practice is coming from Stone Point Capital and the stated goal of AOP is to form a practice that “…utilizes a partnership business model to fuel value creation, clinical innovation, and operational excellence.”
Led by CEO Jay Bronner, M.D., AOP seeks to provide orthopedic surgeons with the opportunity to retain control of their practices, work together on national initiatives, and access resources to grow their practices. Dr. Bronner, previously president and chief medical officer of Radiology Partners, and Ryan Pahler, AOP’s chief development officer, helped build Radiology Partners into the largest radiology practice in the nation.
OTW asked Dr. Bronner about the lessons he’s learned from the radiology practice that he’ll bring to AOP and he explained, “I learned from my experience in radiology that the right culture and physician leadership can enable a practice to achieve clinically meaningful and transformational things that can save lives and resources. Said another way, the right culture and the right partners working together can successfully lead in any environment.”
“There is almost nothing that a truly mission-based, physician-led and owned practice cannot achieve in the areas of clinical innovation, growth, and value creation. That’s why culture is so important.”
“It’s never too early to invest in physician leadership development and clinical innovation. It is only with the best physicians and physician leaders that we will be able to deliver on creating clinical value and growth. As a radiologist I recognize that it will be orthopedic physician leaders who will develop and adopt the meaningful best practices in all areas of the practice. That’s why the first two board members to join AOP are orthopedic surgeons who for decades have mentored orthopedic surgeons on quality, professionalism, and value.”
Dr. James R. Andrews, who will serve as a day-to-day consultant and board member, is a founder and medical director of the Andrews Institute and president of the Board for Andrews Research and Education Foundation (AREF) in Pensacola, Florida. He is also a founding partner of Andrews Sports Medicine and Orthopedic Center and co-founder of the American Sports Medicine Institute (ASMI) in Birmingham, Alabama.
Dr. Russell Warren, surgeon-in-chief emeritus at New York’s Hospital for Special Surgery, has served as the NY Giants emeritus team physician as well as the past president of the American Othopedic Society for Sports Medicine and the American Shoulder and Elbow Society.
When OTW asked Drs. Warren and Andrews about the outlook for the year ahead, Dr. Andrews noted, “AOP will be successful a year from now if we have laid the foundation that will allow independent orthopedic practices to own part of a national practice focused on clinical value creation and access to care. I have always believed that my mentoring of young students from all backgrounds encourages them to consider a career in orthopedic surgery—a first step to addressing access to care.”
“To be considered a success in the next 1–3 years, we will need to have in place clinical standards that deliver consistent and the best possible patient care and outcomes nationally,” said Dr. Warren to OTW. “We want our patients to be confident in us and know that the care they receive at AOP is industry-leading and proven.”
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